More potential than ever
Opn S miniRITE R

Improving on the open sound experience, Oticon Opn S miniRITE R uses a rechargeable Lithium-ion battery, has an LED indicator to monitor hearing aid status and a convenient double push-button for volume and program control. Oticon Opn S miniRITE R offers seamless connectivity to your favorite devices. Its’ built-in telecoil offers enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema.

With Oticon More, you continue to get superior sound quality, now with more styles and options. Choose what suits your lifestyle- a miniRITE T or NEW miniBTE T with disposable batteries or a miniRITE R or NEW miniBTE R rechargeable style for overnight charging. With more styles, features and charging options, you can get more out of life.

People with severe-to-profound hearing loss rely on hearing aids to get through each and every day, and it can be extremely challenging to follow the conversation with a group of friends, family members or colleagues. With the new Oticon Xceed, you will now have the support you need to actively take part in these situations without having to rely on guessing and lip reading. Oticon Xceed opens up your world like never before.
Connect to your world

Take advantage of today’s connected world. Oticon More hearing aids offer hands-free phone or video calls with select iPhones and iPads. Oticon More also offers direct streaming from select Android™ devices,* utilizing the new Android protocol for Audio Streaming for Hearing Aids (ASHA).